How To Make A Revitalizing Antiaging Facial Mask
September 28, 2015 #cosmetics #firstblush #makeup
By Kayla Dalsfoist

As much as we wish otherwise, we can't turn back the hands of time. We can, however, remove signs of aging from our skin with the help of the contents of our kitchens.

Along with wrinkles and loss of elasticity, dark spots are one of the most common ways age shows itself through the skin. According to the Mayo Clinic, this hyperpigmentation is typically a result of exposure to UV light. Those who spend more time in the sun have a higher risk of developing these spots, but genetics play a large role as well. True age spots (not melanoma or other skin lesions) are generally benign. From a cosmetic standpoint, they are more of an annoyance than anything else.

However, it is possible to fade these pesky dark spots. WebMD has compiled a list of various antiaging products available to purchase, but there are also homespun remedies that target discoloration. In the informative video below, Farah Dhukai shares her DIY recipe for an easy-yet-effective antiaging facial treatment that leaves the skin feeling smoother and looking brighter. The process is simple and only requires one ingredient — a ripe pineapple.

Dhukai begins with a clean, bare face. From there, she dices the pineapple into small pieces, then rubs one of those segments onto the areas afflicted with age spots. She steams her face for approximately two minutes before washing the pineapple residue off. According to Dhukai, this treatment may cause a tingling sensation for those with sensitive skin, so be wary. In the video, she states that she applies this pineapple facial three times a week for "soft, healthy, glowing-looking skin."

Dhukai turns to pineapple because this fruit is rich in bromelain. According to the Global Healing Center, this enzyme's primary function is to break down proteins. As such, bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory and exfoliator (which explains the tingling). By applying pineapple to the skin, Dhukai is essentially sloughing away dead cells to reveal the supple and radiant ones beneath. Livestrong also notes that pineapple is rich in vitamin C, making it ideal for treating acne and encouraging healthy cell regeneration.

Though Dhukai lauds bromelain's skin care benefits via topical application, there has not been much research on the accuracy of these claims. There has, however, been plenty of research confirming the health benefits of pineapple when ingested. Not only does the bromelain aid in digestion and reduce swelling, but the American Cancer Society even suggests that this tropical fruit can alleviate some of the side effects of radiation therapy in cancer patients. Further, cosmetic surgeon Robert Kotler encourages his patients to eat pineapple post-operation to expedite the healing process. Pineapple also happens to be delicious, so it hardly seems like a burden to eat the pieces not used on the skin.

This video was uploaded on Sept. 30, 2013, and has amassed over 800,000 views. Since then, Dhukai has accomplished an amazing feat. On July 10, 2014, she and her husband Sal Ali founded fARSÁLI a skin care line designed "to make skincare simple, natural, and for all ages & skin-types." They currently carry a cleanser and two different types of moisturizer, all made with natural ingredients. Dhukai and Ali describe themselves as "a real couple, chasing a real dream of helping as many people as possible, by making them feel naturally beautiful in their own skin!" With one year under their belt, it appears that this husband-and-wife team have a bright future ahead of them.

Of course, everyone's skin reacts to treatments differently, so we urge you to use caution if you decide to give yourself a pineapple facial. Share your thoughts on Dhukai's tip in the comments section, and feel free to let us know what other DIY skin care is part of your regimen!

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