She Outlines A Wing And Smokes Out The Edge. I Can't Stop Staring Once It's Done
June 3, 2015 #cosmetics #eyeliner #firstblush
By Kayla Dalsfoist

Lauren Curtis turns standard winged eyeliner inside out for an unexpectedly cool effect.

This isn't your typical winged liner tutorial. Lauren Curtis showcases her creativity and insanely steady hand as she creates this "inverted wing" that's black and smoky along the border but skin-colored in the middle for a hollowed-out look. I love the unorthodox nature of this eyeliner, and I think that it's wearable for the more adventurous makeup lovers out there. To tone down the look even more, you can opt for a neutral lip as opposed to her vampy ombré burgundy. Lets us know what you think about this inverted wing in the comments below!

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